Sources Used
List of authors and books mentioned in "Money, It's All About Money - It Should Be About Morality," with links to purchase them on Amazon where available. I've compiled this list in alphabetical order by the author's last name for easy reference:
Alvaredo, Facundo, Lucas Chancel, Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, and Gabriel Zucman
The World Inequality Report 2022.
2. Applebaum, Anne
Twilight of Democracy.
& Autocracy, Inc: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World 2. Barfield, Thomas
Afghanistan: A History.
3. Berger, J.M., and Jessica Stern
ISIS: The State of Terror.
4. Blas, Javier, and Jack Farchy
The World for Sale: Money, Power, and the Traders Who Barter the Earth's Resources.
5. Bloom, Howard
The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History.
6. Bregman, Rutger
Utopia for Realists: And How We Can Get There.
7. Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce, and Alastair Smith
The Dictator's Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics.
8. Byrne, Liam
Wealth Inequality.
9. Carter, Prudence
Closing the Gap: The Quest to Understand and Eliminate the African American Achievement Gap.
10. Collier, Paul
The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It.
11. Crenshaw, Martha
Terrorism in Context.
12. Dunt, Ian
How Westminster Works...and Why It Doesn't.
13. Giridharadas, Anand
Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World.
14. Graeber, David
Bullshit Jobs: A Theory.
15. Haidt, Jonathan
The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom.
16. Harari, Yuval Noah
21 Lessons for the 21st Century.
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind.
17. Harford, Tim
The Undercover Economist.
The Undercover Economist Strikes Back: How to Run or Ruin an Economy.
18. Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath
The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact.
19. Herman, Edward S., and Noam Chomsky
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media.
20. Horne, Alistair
The Battle of Algiers.
21. Hutton, Will
This Time No Mistakes: How Can We Remake a Better Britain.
22. Kahneman, Daniel
Thinking, Fast and Slow.
23. Killeen, Richard
A History of Ireland.
24. Klein, Naomi
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.
25. Kolbert, Elizabeth
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History.
26. Kotler, Steven
The Art of the Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer.
27. MacMillan, Margaret
Do Morals Matter? Presidents and Foreign Policy from FDR to Trump.
28. Mars, Alexandre
Giving: The Why and How of Effective Philanthropy.
29. Perkins, John
The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.
30. Pfaff, Donald W
The Altruistic Brain: How We Are Naturally Good.
31. Pickett, Kate, and Richard Wilkinson
The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger.
32. Piketty, Thomas
Capital in the Twenty-First Century.
33. Raworth, Kate
Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist.
34. Robinson, Kim Stanley
Ministry for the Future.
35. Rosling, Hans
Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World - and Why Things Are Better Than You Think.
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